We can ship to any address in the world. Customs or duties may be levied on goods and your order may incur charges depending on factors that are beyond our control. We advise to check with local customs legislation for rules, restrictions or tax duties prior to ordering.
Rogue Royalty offers shipping insurance to cover for lost deliveries or items damaged in transit. If shipping insurance is not chosen we are unable to replace uninsured items.
Free Shipping is done at Rogue Royalty discretion. by selecting FREE SHIPPING the customer acknowledges and accepts Rogue Royalty is free from any liabilities therein.
Express orders that are placed before 8:30am will be dispatched on the same day (dispatched times may be affected by busy periods / or sales)
Same or next day Express services are not guaranteed when shipped to states other than NSW and may take a longer period of time. We are unable to accept responsibility for any courier delays as these circumstances are out of our control.
Despatch date this may be prolonged due to holiday breaks.